Swan in flight - © Robert Bromberg Photography. Photo kindly provided and used with permission from Robert Bromberg. All rights reserved.

Your Parish Councillors

Deerhurst Parish Council are the first tier of Governance. They are a local council and act as a first point of contact for anyone with a community issue. The council consist of 7 volunteer councillors who are democratically elected by local vote every 4 years. There is also a Parish Clerk, who holds the only paid role.

The council is funded by a ‘precept’ which is a small part of the council tax paid to Tewkesbury Council. This amount is boosted by the renting out of local council amenities such as the recreation fields and allotments.

A photo of huge circular bales of hay in a cut field.

The Parish Council has a range of local responsibilities such as footpaths and rights of way, recreation facilities, verge maintenance, war memorials, public seating and they are notified of local planning applications.

For further details on the duties and roles of Parish Councils, please follow this link:


The Councillors are:
Laura Bromberg – Register of Members Interest
Matt Dimond-Brown
Ben Oldham – Register of Members Interest
Jim Pollard – Register of Members Interest
John Rutter- Register of Members Interest
Jonathan Smith- Register of Members Interest

County Councillor:
Paul McLain
Contact Details:
Email: paul.mclain@gloucestershire.gov.uk

Borough Councillor:
Heather McLain
Contact Details: 07774 570525
Email: councillor.mclain@tewkesbury.gov.uk

Fiona Wallbank
Contact Details: 1 Ledbury Road Crescent, Staunton, Glos  GL19 3QB
Tel: 07792 989212
Email: deerhurstpc@systemforce.net